Bravesaturn Games

Games/Works in Progress
GM Counter Strike

These are some scripts/examples/libraries made by me. Feel free to use them as you will, although I would prefer that my name (Bravesaturn) got in the credits somewhere. Just don't take credit for what you didn't do.
NOTE: All files on this page are designed for GM5.3. However, most, with the exception of the libraries, should still work with GM6. If you are having compatibility issues, please e-mail me at

Pause Screen Example - 13kb

Pause Screen Example - For GM6.1. Demonstrates how to pause the game, save the gameplay behind it, use any type of pause menu you want (easy to add extra objects), and resume the game. Does not use show_message(), show_info(), or anything of the like. Updated to allow for views.

Base Change zipped GML - 2kb

Base Change Scripts: Several scripts allowing you to change any number to any base, and base arithmetic with numbers of bases other than decimal. Included is a help file as a separate script.

Saturn Encryption - 4kb

Included in the zip are 2 scripts, one for encrypting a file, and the other to decrypt the file, and an example text file and gmd. This allows encrypting with an unlimited length non-decimal password of your choice. It's for GM 5.3, but works with no problem with GM6,

Car Collisions Basic - 0.2mb

A simpler version of the Car Collision Physics example below. Not quite as complete or versatile, but pretty much all of the coding is done by me, and it's a lot less overwhelming. It's still all code, so it's not recommended for the average newbie.

Super Fast Bullets example - 9kb

A small example that shows how to make visible bullets move at extreme speeds and not skip pixels (the bullets move at a speed of 160 pixels/step).

Bubble Sort - 2kb

A bubble sort algorithm for GM that allows you to sort values in an array into increasing order. Also sorts alphabetically. Requires a decent knowlege of GML and arrays.

Text Box Example - 2kb

A very simple text box example that includes multiple text boxes. Similar to visual basic text boxes.

Car Physics Collisions - 192kb

Car Physics Collisions GM6 - 182kb

Car Physics Collisions - I enhanced this physics engine orignally made by Boosted32 to now include realistic collisions between 2 cars. The cars spin according to where they are hit, which I've never seen done before in GM, to be honest. There is now an AI car that moves by itself.
There is now a version of this example with a few changes to work with GM6. The sound of the engine had to be sacrificed to make this conversion.

Car Library - 225kb

Car Library - A very simple library for starting a GTA-style car game. Requires no code or variables whatsoever.

SaturnZoom gmd - 4kb

SaturnZoom - A very unconventional method of zooming in/out in GM. Sacrifices a very short screen flicker for an easy, error free zoom.

Saturn Particle Library 1.4 - 23kb

Saturn Particle Library: A library for those who want particle effects but can't register GM for one reason or another. It's not quite as versatile or as fast as the built-in particle engine, but it's free! Includes fireworks, rain, and snow examples

CS Example 3.1 - 43kb

Due to popular damand, I decided to create a small Counter Stike style platform example. It has features such as aiming at the mouse (and looking that way) and 3 weapons with the possibility to easily add more.
Version 3.0 now has added WASD controls and ammo clips/reloading.

Name Generator Text Only - 3kb

Name Generator Exe - 580kb

     Name Generator: Creates random names are almost always pronouncable and are totally random. Useful for creating names for RPGs and other fantasy games. Feel free to distribue the Name Generator Executable file freely without my consent.

Font Rotate Text Only - 1kb

Font Rotate GMD - 6kb

A small script similar to the font_angle variable. It allows you to rotate a string around while keeping all letters upright, unlike font_angle. Also has an option for making the text always read from left to right, even at angles greater than 90 degrees and less than 270 degrees.